Thursday, September 9, 2010


有一個男人為了參加第二天的小學同學會,特地上街買一條新長褲。他回家穿上後,卻發覺長度多了 十公分 。於是請求媽媽替他改。媽媽說,身體不舒服,想早一點休息,今晚不想改。他改請求太太替他改。太太說,還有許多家事要做,今晚沒有時間改。於是他改請求女兒替他改。女兒說,今晚跟男朋友約好去跳舞,沒有時間改。他想想,既然如此,明天穿舊的長褲去同學會也可以!
當天晚上,他媽媽心想:「兒子平時對我很孝順,他開口要求總不好拒絕他。」於是,起來替兒子改長褲,剪短了 十公分
他太太稍晚做完家事心想:「老公平時很有耐心,今天他是不會縫針線才開口要求,總不好拒絕他。」於是替先生改長褲,剪短了 十公分
他女兒晚上回來:「爸爸不阻止我去跳舞,實在是開明的老爸,今天實在應該替他修改長褲。」於是替爸爸改長褲,剪短了 十公分

Credit goes to my friend, Xyi.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Before and After

Bentuckee's note:

I know this is not suppose to be funny. It just shows how... lousy some cars are. It is because of one of these cheap scrap metal-made cars that my friend and his family passed away recently. 

Please lah local car makers, upgrade the quality, however much money also I will be willing to pay. 


No wonder Top Gear hentam them that bad.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Creative Toilet Rolls

Bentuckee's note:

How many of us actually spent at least 5 minutes in the toilet everyday? Maybe most of us did. While sitting on the toilet bowl, it might be wise to spend some of the time on something... something like sudoku?


Or comics?

There are endless things you can do with toilet papers nowadays...

Or even learn how to do origami!!!

It's just something out of this world.

Imagine wiping your finished sudoku on your... em.. tsk tsk.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The 9 Most Annoying People on Facebook!

Bentuckee's note:
Got this from YJ. I believe all Facebook avid user would agree with this. Although the language is not my kind, but well, you got the point.

Every great invention had to be used wisely.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Shark Fin

Bentuckee's note:
Wow... shark fin soup!! Awesome. One of my favourite dishes. It's just a dish that we always wait for in chinese wedding dinner and something the upper class enjoys. But a lot of us, including me, never know how these sharp fins actually got on our bowl. Check out the following pics:

But what's actually so nice about shark fin soup? Or shark fin dish that you think it worths the sacrifice of the whole shark? I don't think it's a wise thing to kill the whole shark just to get its fins. There's no great logic behind this. Well, at least I don't know.

I would definitely avoid ordering shark fin soup next time. How about you?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Vatican Humour

Bentuckee's note: I'm in no interest to offend the Pope or any people in this post. But this is just a good joke that I wanna share it right here. Enjoy! =)

After getting all of Pope Benedict's luggage loaded into the limo, (and he doesn't travel light), the driver notices the Pope is still standing on the curb.

'Excuse me, Your Holiness,' says the driver,

'Would you please take your seat so we can leave?'

'Well, to tell you the truth,' says the Pope,  'they never let me drive at the Vatican when I was a cardinal, and I'd really like to drive today.'

'I'm sorry, Your Holiness, but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my job! What if something should happen?' protests the driver, wishing he'd never gone to work that morning..

'Who's going to tell?' says the Pope with a smile.

Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo to 205 kph.. (Remember, the Pope is German..)

'Please slow down, Your Holiness!' pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear sirens.

'Oh, dear God, I'm going to lose my license -- and my job!' moans the driver.

The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorcycle, and gets on the radio.

'I need to talk to the Chief,' he says to the dispatcher.
The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limo going 205 kph.

'So bust him,' says the Chief.

'I don't think we want to do that, he's really important,' said the cop.

The Chief exclaimed,' All the more reason!'

'No, I mean really important,' said the cop with a bit of persistence.

The Chief then asked, 'Who do you have there, the mayor?'

Cop: 'Bigger.'

Chief: ' A senator?'

Cop: 'Bigger.'

Chief: 'The Prime Minister?'

Cop: 'Bigger.'

'Well,' said the Chief, 'who is it?'

Cop: 'I think it's God!'

The Chief is even more puzzled and curious, 'What makes you think it's God?'

Cop: 'His chauffeur is the Pope!'

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cherokee Legend

Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage?

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone.  He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it.  He cannot cry out for help to anyone. 
Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.

He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own.

The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him
harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could  become a man!
Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold.

 It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him.   
He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.

We, too, are never alone.   
Even when we don't know it, God is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us.  
When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.

Moral of the story:
Just because you can't see God,
Doesn't mean He is not there.
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Bentuckee's note: This really touched my heart. I couldn't agree with it more. It's certainly one of the best forwarded mail I received recently. Thanks to H. =)

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Atlantis: Greatest 'Fire'works in the History

Bentuckee's note:
Yeah, I know this had happened some time ago..  but I didn't know that the Atlantis was on FIRE before its opening until I got these pictures. And I believe everyone remembers how amazing the opening ceremony was.. yeah, the FIREworks. Oh, and I heard that a lot of staffs in the hotel got FIRED soon after its opening due to financial incapability.Seems like the Atlantis had much fate FIRE.
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